Thursday, January 11, 2018


In South Africa, those lucky enough to go to university tend to make a pretty vocational choice. Most are thinking about 'what they want to be'. How they are going to put money on the table. The idea of a university as a place to go to widen your mind is the pudding, not the pie. You are buying a signal that will get you to the top of the CV pile, that leaves almost half rotting in the bin. Possibly in a profession that you have a vague 18-year-old's idea of. Medieval times recognised only three professions - divinity, medicine and law. The idea of providing disinterested advice, for direct/definite compensation, without business interest. Like countries, currencies, and religions... all a profession needs to be a profession is recognition. They are because people believe they are. Recognition Milestones include being 'full-time', training schools, universities, associations, professional ethics and licensing laws. A signal that helps you pre-judge... hopefully accurately.

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