Friday, September 07, 2018

Selling Confidence

Engaging with the world is incredibly confusing. In our heads and hearts, we all have moments where we don't have a clue what is going on, or what we should do next. We don't have direct access to other people's heads and hearts. Some of them seem to know what is going on. That confidence is very attractive.

Almost all exchanges of money are for problems that are being solved. Great businesses are those that can articulate problems really well. The person with the money recognises the problem, and wants it solved. 

A friend of mine sells Coffee Roasting Machine. His pitch is simple. You can buy the Coffee Roaster and he'll supply the cheaper unroasted beans, or he'll give it to you if you carry on buying the beans from him at the same price you are already buying them. It is a no-brainer. As long as the quality of coffee is as good or better, the Coffee Shop gets the drawcard of freshly roasting coffee and nothing else changes.  The 'problem' wasn't there, but a better reality was on offer.

What is often been solved is Confidence. Someone else, with clarity, is able to describe a better world.

I love this world. Full of its confusion and emotion and challenges. Not everything is a problem to be solved. Part of my motivation in focusing on money and Engine Building is to free us from problem-solving. To free us from pretend confidence.

We are all confused. I don't want to pretend I am not. We can't put all our needs into words. Sometimes we just have to be there with and for each other. Being confused. Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and smell the roasting coffee.

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