Friday, July 23, 2021

Understanding your Constraints

A competitive advantage is not the thing you are good at. It is the barrier that stops other people from being good at it. A competitive advantage is not the value. It is the container. It is a given that you need skills and knowledge, but you get paid for the box. 

You get paid because of the limits of supply. You do not get paid for things that are plentiful. The barrier is what makes it hard to do. It may be some intrinsic ability that only a few people have. They won the lottery of birth. Whether genetic, geographic, or familial. It does not matter if I want to run as fast as Wayde van Niekerk. It does not matter how hard I train in that attempt. It will not happen. 

It is not true that you can do anything you put your mind to (unless you just want to do it in your mind). We are born with constraints. You need to understand those limits, and how the world works. Then push them. Shift them. Break them. Or find your meaning within them. Not everyone can be Roger Federer, Simone Biles, or Caster Semenya. Not everyone can be you.

World Class Athlete

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