Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Blunt Tool

Money-making is not driven by fixed and knowable value and worth. Value and worth are deeply personal. We use money to communicate our conspicuous needs bluntly through supply and demand of resources. 

The price will be highest where the demand for those resources is not being met. Price (for solving) and cost (to solve) are signals attracting and repelling focus of those who are looking to identify quantifiable, measurable, rankable, prioritizable, manageable, solveable (monetizable) problems. 

Separate your identity (who you are at the core), and how you measure value, from the market. Create space. Use the market as a tool to internalize value it knows nothing about. Transform what you create into what you value. Use the strengths of the market to power where it is weak. To take the energy that can fire your endurance, and build your resilience, in the way you work with the market. Do not take it too seriously. You are the one creating meaning in the way you want to create meaning. 

See beyond the superficial. What we do matters. Actions have consequences. Fundamental investing is about looking beyond the smoke and mirrors to get a sense of what is really being done. What problems are being solved? Is the problem being solved scarce and worth focusing on in the monetary world? A deep acceptance of the problems others are communicating, so that you can free your attention for the things that are more qualitative and important to you.

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