Friday, January 14, 2022

Not About Me

There is danger in mastery. In having control. 

The world is complicated, ambiguous, and random. The confidence that comes with control radiates in a way that is impressive. In the same way as people identify with their jobs, they can also identify with “being impressive”. Being respected. Being in charge. 

Warren Buffett talks about being aware of a clearly defined “circle of competence”. Being aware of the danger of the halo effect. Where mastery tends to leave a leakily positive impression in areas where that mastery doesn’t exist. 

In Yoga, mastery of specific abilities developed through intense practice are called Siddhis. These can appear supernatural or magical. Developing Siddhis is dangerous if you identify with them. Over-identifying with something that separates you from other people. It makes it harder to detach and look at waves of anxiety as not being about you. 

Every wave poorly handled can bring your world crashing down. Every conversation can be about you. Your problems. Your solutions. Self-worship. 

A powerful way of getting through waves is “this is not about me”.

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