Thursday, March 09, 2017

Velvet Problems

The truth is that it has been very easy for me to sit back an wax eloquent for the last two and a half years about how to try approach the good life. I hope I haven't been one of those annoying people who pretend they know the answer. I don't. I am very confused. Every time I think I 'see the matrix' and have figured things out, life giggles. I have the gift of the gab, and so can fit a story to any set of facts. Mostly I am just responding as best I can, often making mistakes, and often leaning on people to pick me back up. Tweaking my story to make the next step easier. I regularly find life difficult, but am acutely aware that I am incredibly lucky. My problems genuinely are velvet problems. That doesn't make them not problems. That's the crack in the matrix... problems never disappear. Coping is all we can do.

The Velvet Problems of the Red Pill

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