Friday, March 22, 2019


I am a Capitalist. When people say they “didn’t work a day in their lives”, I believe what they mean is that they felt empowered to do what they wanted to be doing. They felt like they had agency, and were able to focus on creating meaning in what they did. It doesn’t mean they were never stressed, tired, or annoyed. Otherwise the term “working class” suggests we think it is okay for a whole category of people to do activities they don’t find meaningful – and call that work. I believe Capital is best placed for this kind of “work”. Capital can work so that we can Labour at meaning creation. I am against Central Decision making. I believe decisions are best made by those with direct tacit knowledge. I believe your boss should work for you, rather than the other way around. Removing obstacles. This means everyone should be empowered by Capital rather than living hand-to-mouth. Without Capital, you are defined by the work you do because that is required to finance your lifestyle. Democracy works best when everyone has agency to say both yes, and no. When we are structured to listen to people rather than have power over them. When they have Capital.

1 comment:

abrham said...

Is capital the new god. What is your capital exactly.