Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy 26th Birthday South Africa

I have always been an earnest chap with a chip on my shoulder about being taken seriously.  Easy to tease. Easy to provoke. By age 26, I had my first professional qualification and thought this gave my adulthood some spine. I moved cities from where I had studied in Cape Town to the heart of South Africa's Engine room Johannesburg. I cut my hair and swapped my eccentric tops for a proper work uniform. Peacocks get seen but often dismissed. I rented a flat on my own and started playing properly at adulthood. The change of city, and change of community, just started to poke my bubble. To look up and to look out. A stable income just starting to provide a foundation to move beyond the question of "What do you want to do?". I was doing it. What was the next question? The deeper question? Happy 26th Birthday South Africa. What is the deeper question?


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