Monday, April 27, 2020

Thinking Sustainably

The hardest part of most businesses is finding new clients. Even if you are good at it, there is always the existential risk that there is a limit to the number of people who want what you are offering. Needing new clients isn’t sustainable. Big Game Hunting is also seductively attractive. A single big client can let you think you have seen the matrix, and pop the Champagne. But. There isn’t much big game in a world with an excess of hunters. Hand-to-Mouth living requires a constant, replenishing source. That is why sustainability has to be at the heart of every solution. Now is only worth celebrating in the context of later. We have to eat.  So Hand-to-Mouth is the only first step. Depending on others while you don’t have the necessary skills and knowledge. Depending on yourself when you do. Smoothing and softening that dependence with a Buffer. Building an Engine to detach dependence. Making sure you can comeback. Making sure today provides a platform for tomorrow. Softening the hardest part every day by strengthening and deepening relationships.

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