Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Death Penalty

This is something I feel quite strongly about. I am VERY pleased we live in a country where constitutionally the Death Penalty is not an option. I do not think it is a deterrent to heinous crimes and as a punishment inadvertently justifies one of the things it is trying to stop.

I understand the concept of killing in self-defence, although I would prefer a weapon that allowed you to incapacitate someone. If we were at War, and people were trying to kill my family and friends, I would fight. However, both of these examples are ones where there is no apparent alternative. There is no possibility of `imprisoning’ because immediate action is required.

However, I do not think for example that by killing Saddam Hussein that any justice was met. He is Dead, yes. For him and his followers, they do not see this as such a bad thing. For those against whom he committed such atrocities, they may never find out the full extent of what he actually did. Nothing can bring those people back.

Saddam Hussein is perhaps an example for its advocates of where the Death Penalty is best deserved. Other crimes which may be seen as perfect examples are serial killers and child rapists. These crimes seem hideous enough to warrant the `most extreme’ penalty. The thing is firstly, these people are sick and unlikely to stop what they were going to do because they don’t think they will get caught. My other concern is, how extreme a penalty is the Death Penalty anyway? For those who believe in an eternity in hell… perhaps its extreme… but wouldn’t they have ended up there anyway? For those who don’t believe in hell, a quick death of which the person may not even be afraid… is hardly that bad at all.

I think it comes down to respect for life. How do you create a society that sees that as important if you celebrate the death of those who stray… Kind of eye for eye, tooth for tooth… both people end up blind and toothless, and everyone is worse off.


Stuart said...

I also have a strong aversion to the death penalty but my views are much more fuzzy. The question of deterence is an open one empirically. I'm sceptical (mainly because being put on death row drastically reduces most peoples chances of being killed in a given year) but not hugely so. I also think the death penalty isn't especially barbaric next to what happens to many people in prison anyway.

At the end of the day I mostly have a vicerial revulsion for it and don't want the state to have that much power over people's lives. But I also think prison sentences are inhumane. I'm not sure what would be better though

Trevor Black said...

It is interesting that most supporters of the death penalty see it as the `harshest possible' remedy...

and yet

1)what happens in prison is probably worse
2)Suicide victims see killing themselves as the easy alternative

Some are `pragmatic' saying why should we spend so much on keeping someone imprisoned... since it is cheaper to just kill them.


Stuart said...

I don't think cost should feature in the debate. I also don't think we should necessarily be interested in implementing harsh penalties, whatever they are. harshness is a bug, not a feature.

the fact that prison may be worse than death is an argument in favor of the death penalty.

I think we should offer criminals a choice depending on the situation. rapists should be able to choose castration in return for reduced sentences. Torture should also be an option.

Trevor Black said...

I think that it is impossible to have `suitable' punishment...

The aim should be to remove the criminal from society, or at least to prevent them from commiting the crime again.

Castration for paedophiles and rapists therefore becomes a viable option...

However, I wouldn't be suprised if castration didn't solve the problem since I have a feeling the will to hurt is more of a drive then the will to have sex...

plus, what do you do with Female rapists?

Taken to the extreme, if the death penalty is aimed at being a preventative measure, we could just apply it to everyone who commits a crime. Then only law-abiding citizens would be alive and there would be no more repeat offenders.

I would certainly think twice about riding over 130Km/hr on the highway.

Stuart said...

I very much disagree with your theory about the desire to hurt.

Young men use violence to get many things they want. Money, cars, drugs. I'd find it very odd if it wasn't the same for sex. if fact i think its more true for sex...

Trevor Black said...

so you think they would be less violent if castrated?

or simply redirect their violence?