Definitely not a new idea for a movie, but with actors like Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, you are likely to have a winner. I thoroughly enjoyed it even if the idea was soppy…
But it does raise the age old interesting question…
1) Would you want to know?
2) If you only had 6 months to live what would you do?
For me, the answer to the first question is an emphatic YES!!!! Most of my life (not all but most) has been focused on preparing for the future. I definitely wouldn’t be spending half of my weekend studying!
The answer to number 2 is harder and probably only one you could answer if it actually happened.
As a stab, I would want to be around the people I loved… a holiday, but not crazy travel… I would want to chat late into the night over bottles of wine. I would want to paint, I would want to write, I would want to laugh….
And if you had 40 years?
Currently I live my life as if I have 80 years to go… Would suck if it didn’t work out that way.
I would be pretty pissed off if I kicked the bucket tomorrow.
"As a stab, I would want to be around the people I loved… a holiday, but not crazy travel… I would want to chat late into the night over bottles of wine. I would want to paint, I would want to write, I would want to laugh…."
I have a powerful urge to vomit now.
You should throw in some drugs, or one night stands or threesomes or something to make it believable.
This is the trouble with blogs. People read serious posts and then piss all over them.
Shame on me.
Don't worry Stu, you are the only one who reads my blog.
Reading it again, `Ek het ook 'n bietjie kots in my mond'
Maybe your list is more believable but in reality you would have to pay for that stuff...
unless of course people felt a bit of pity which you could milk.
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