Influential People, worth reading about...
I have heard of but not read a lot about many of these people, I would like to find out more...
here is the start of a list...
1) Mao
2) Che
3) Napoleon
4) Ghandi
5) Mugabe
6) Stalin
7) Einstein
8) Russel
9) Nietsche
10) Freud
11) Jung
12) Mother Theresa
13) Confucious
14) Mohammed
Any other suggestions?
You already know a lot about hitler?
I don't know about Jung and Freud (I gather he had a pretty placid uneventful life). its difficult to say no to any of these, but maybe I'd push some a little further down.
how bout...
Jefferson, Lincon, Washington, FDR? churchill?
Marx, trotsky? Newton (ahead of einstein).
mohammed ali?
Hitchens (a top hero of mine) was devils advocate in the beatification process of mother teresa. here's a cool essay about her.
Dawkins was the first criticism of Mother Theresa I heard. I know very little of her other than the popular view that she was a wonderful woman.
I mentioned this to my mother who got quite indignant and said, `What good has Dawkins ever done?'
It is kind of like deciding the world wasn't created by God. It is not something you are going to bring up in polite conversation.
My list is not in order by any means, and Yes, Hitler is definitely someone I would like to study further.
Do you know of any mainstream authors who write any `positive' accounts of him?
I know what you mean. I said something about her to phil and he also got pretty defensive, he said something like, "of course she'd say that! shes a hardcore catholic!"
its a little weird, we don't say "of couse he would blow up children! He's a hardcore muslim fundamentalist!!"
Also it is irrelevant if dawkins is an ass. But there's a pretty strong sense that people feel that shes a saint.
I know of no books like that about hitler
you read the article?
I did...
and honestly, it makes more sense to me.
Should read more though first, but if she isn't a fundamentalist, Is suppose who would be?
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