Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Born Cynic?

I was privileged to be on a conference in Pilgrim’s Rest where we had as a guest speaker, David L. Block (Cosmic Dust Laboratory, School of Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand) He was fantastic. Inspirational. All that kind of good stuff.

So what was my problem? Well… when I heard he was going to be speaking and that he was a world famous scientist , a fellow of the Royal Society AND a Christian, I was a little surprised of reading in Richard Dawkin’s `God Delusion’ how few fellows of that society are Christian. I mentioned this to someone before hand and also Dawkin’s criticism of scientist saying things about Christianity in order to get the very lucrative Templeton Prize.

And then… in his presentation (which I thoroughly enjoyed) there were references to how he believed his work reinforced his belief in a `fine tuner’ and we are made of dust `as said in the scriptures’, AND there were also slides on John Templeton… yes… coincidence?

He is a brilliant man, no doubt. His speech was inspirational, no doubt. But the thought that a very substantial monetary award for `tweaking’ his presentation was out there did spoil it a little for me.

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