Friday, February 08, 2008


Being a newly converted blogger, the only two blogs I check every day are

• Currently when I type my entries, I do it in word and then copy and paste it to my blog. This is to avoid the entry vanishing as I press the publish button. My formatting gets messed up along the way some.
• I like the labelling function… if you click on the label at the bottom, it shows posts just of that type. As in, if you click on Philosophy, you will see all my posts that are an attempt to be deep. If you click on Sport, you will see all my posts that are an attempt to be shallow. What I would really like was if I could have a list of these labels on the right, or even better at the top of the blog. If I put the effort in to learn how to code, this is probably not tough.
• I don’t like the big spaces on the side of my blog… I am unlikely to expand my readership much beyond my current single `mercy’ reader so I doubt I will be needing the advertising space
• I would like to blog every day, but sometimes inspiration runs dry. Other times it is the `fear factor’ that what I write will just be dumb. Sometimes I censure myself because of a tendancy to `over share’ and a realisation that a blog is a very public format and some things should not be made public ;-)

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