Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Brain Drain

1) This is not a uniquely South African thing
2) This is not all bad

See Megan McArdle's response to an article in the telegaph.

3.2 million Brits living abroad (1.1 million highly skilled graduates)

McArdle's response was interesting...

I assume this has something to do with the fact that it is very easy for Britons to go to wealthy, English-speaking countries, and also that there's a relative lack of migration opportunities in Britain. If you're American or Australian, you can always pick up and try another city, but in Britain, you mostly move to London or you . . . move to London. This is an exaggeration, of course, but there's nothing like the ability to say, "You know what, things aren't going so well in Boston, so I'm moving to LA." If the economy, or the job opportunities are bad in London, they're probably bad everywhere else in the UK too.

I think migration is going to become far more common and easier as the world moves forward. I have brief panic attacks about the fact that my previous dream of having all my family living in the same city is becoming less and less likely... In fact the chance of me having all my family living in the same country is becoming less and less likely.

I am very commited to South Africa. I do feel an obligation to this country for the relative position I am in. Should I feel more obligated to the poor of this country than to the poor of those in Russia, or Chad... something makes me feel like I do. Maybe I don't, but the whole `sphere of influence' thing makes it more likely that I will be able to make a difference here than everywhere.

People have been talking of leaving for years. You hear figures of 1.3 million South Africans in London, and every day cousins, brothers, friends and colleagues talk of Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. I think the crime, electricty problems and Zuma issues are the catalysts... but even in the UK people leave... so even without those issues people here would move.

What's my point?

Well, I am trying to come to terms with the idea that maybe yearly trips to these far flung places may become a necessity... which may mean making sure I have business interests all over the place so I can use work as an excuse to see family (much the same way as it allows me to see my brother and sister-in-law in Cape Town at the moment).

Technology may make it easier to...

Cheaper Travel

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