Saturday, February 23, 2008

Near Miss

I know everyone claims to be an above average driver, but against logic I think there are in fact more below average drivers out there.

In the last couple of weeks I have had to do some creative driving to avoid accidents. On both occasions, the other driver was clearly not even aware I was there and was driving as if the road was clear.

On both occasions both the car and I drove away unscathed, but it is always with a weird feeling of too close for comfort.

Touch wood, I have made it through my first 10 years of driving without an accident... but the roads seem to be getting crazier. Maybe it has something to do with living in Joburg.

But... listening to my great aunt saying she can drive herself despite the fact that she hasn't used her car in years makes me wander... Maybe people should be retested every 5 or 10 years.

I know this doesn't seem practical, but I am not so sure it is more practical to leave some of these maniacs on the road.


Stuart said...

In the introduction to his book Practical Ethics, Peter Singer explains that he's not going to discuss sex, because ethically its less important than driving a car.

I think it's one of the weirder aspects of our society that we indulge such terrible attitudes to driving.

Anonymous said...

I try very hard to remain calm while driving.

I am pretty good at remaining calm.

But it is a concerted effort.

Anonymous said...

Dear Trevor

As an apparently intelligent person perhaps you should check your spelling. Or is 'wander' a rather clever freudian slit oops I mean slip?