Monday, July 07, 2008

Everyone should blog

Maybe I am just greedy, but I reckon I am going to become a blog campaigner. I think everyone should have one. That I know, only one of my friends keeps a regular blog Muttblog. I read that blog for probably 2 years before really properly starting this one... I had this blog for almost 2 years before I started writing regularly.

I have a few other friends who write irregularly, and maybe there are some of which I don't know. But I do know there are friends of mine who I would really really like to know what they are thinking about. Facebook, blogs etc. allow you to maintain more friendships of a high quality than you used to be able to do. Quite simply, not only was it very difficult to keep in contact in the past, contact probably had to be limited to the trivial birthday or christmas card greeting for most friends.

People would come in and out of your life and you had to just get used to it. Fine... that is part of life. But I have met some amazing people and I think I would be a better person if they each spent 20 minutes a week writing down their thoughts.

Maybe it will become part of our culture one day? Spreading ideas, discussing, challenging, growing.

I just had a rather depressing chat with a friend about his thoughts on where parts of the world are going. They weren't happy thoughts.

I believe the age of ideas will lead to exponential growth in `Humanities Maturity'. It is harder for ignorance, dogma, prejudice and hatred to survive in a world where ideas spread easily...

and we live in that world... BUT... technology isn't ideas. We can have all the technology we want but people spread ideas. Pen and paper doesn't write letters. People write letters.

Until the Phils, Richards, Tapiwas, Johns, Rosannes, Christines, Gregs, Tanyas, Colins, Bretts, Katherines, Cathrines, Kathryns, Catherines, Malcolms, Kates, Phillipas, Kens, Kirstys, Arthurs, Samanthas, Marks, Andrews, Jans, Chantals, Felixs, Desigans, Peters, Kgaugelos, Heathers, Jennys, Karyns, Karens, Jasons, Carmens, Nicks, Kerrys, Michaels, Cholos, Davids, Stevens, Stephens, Quitas, Sarahs, Pauls, Maheshs, Urus, Monwabisis, Jennys, Thatos, Thlokis, San-Maries, Lindas, Jean-Louis, Lloyds, Mangobas, Kesavanees, Leanes, Hermanuss, Cherylynns, Geoffs of this world start keeping blogs and start sharing their ideas...

all we have is a stick with lead in it and some dried and flattened grass.

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