Monday, October 06, 2008

When are you in your Element?

I mentioned Ken Robinson in my last post and Garr Reynolds links to a great interview with him by Riz Khan. In it they mention his book coming out in January entitled `The Element'.

Robinson's thesis is that most of us are educated out of creativity. He believes the current school system was designed to produce the skills needed for an industrial age. We are now in a new age, the age of ideas. Real creativity is needed to solve the problems facing the world today.

I like the concept of `The Element' even before having read the book (not good for an objective review come January).

We all know how amazing it is to be doing something and feel `in your element'. To really enjoy it... so that time just stops in one way and passes incredibly quickly in another.

For some it may be on the sports field, for some closing a business deal, for others sitting playing with their children.

I think I feel most `in my element' when I am presenting to an audience with whom I have a real rapport. When I am taking a concept that people have really struggled with and now they suddenly `get it'.

Well... that is not completely true, there are other times when I am more in my element, but presenting is right up there ;-)

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