Wednesday, April 08, 2009

You Blog!?!

It is not uncommon for me to get a raised eyebrow when I tell people that I blog. A lot of people associate blogging with the idea of an online diary and despair at the idea of another person sharing far too much of themselves on a public platform.

This is not an online diary. I do not assume that the people reading are close friends. Neither do I consider this a very public forum. Yes, anybody can read what I write here, but chances are they won't. Most people will never see what I write and the large majority who are savvy enough to search it out will find no interest in it whatsoever.

That said, I assume anyone and everyone WILL read my blog. I know they won't, but I assume they will. This means that whatever I write, I consider first whether I would have a problem with anyone reading it. As Mitch Joel points out, this is probably an assumption we are going to have to soon assume in most aspects of our lives. For now though, we still have some privacy... so am I getting rid of mine by writing this blog?

Well, no. Because I don't tell you my deepest darkest secrets. Perhaps those closest to me can read between the lines of what I say. Perhaps sometimes I plant things between the lines that I know those who know me will understand but others won't. Perhaps the trail of my posts gives away stuff about me even I don't understand. Maybe I also have a bigger threshold in terms of what I don't mind people knowing about me too...

But, at the end of the day, this blog is not a diary. It is a rather selfish platform for me to express what is going on in my head and flesh out ideas. Most of what I say is likely wrong, but by writing it down, it lets me get closer to figuring things out.

If people find what I write interesting, they will read it again. Maybe with time I will get better at expressing my ideas. Maybe with time my ideas will become more well thought through and interesting. Honestly though, as the reader stats on my side bar show... I do not have thousands of people reading what I write.

Why I write is partly to learn, and a carrot to encourage me to read and write more. Another reason is that I enjoy finding that I have common interests with friends who read my blog that I was not aware of. If they have read my blog, they don't start the conversation... 'So tell me about Bermuda and London'... they say...

I read your thoughts on Vegetarianism and you are so wrong, or... I also really enjoy TED too, did you see the talk by...

I have given up on the idea that all the interesting people I know will one day be inspired to take up blogging to. I hope a few will. I have found the experience very rewarding...

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