Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A Witness Mentality

I venture into the open classes on some days in between my official introductory Yoga classes. They do some crazy stuff and I am way out of my league, but it is nice to see what is possible. And if you just close your eyes and get on with what you are doing, it doesn't matter what the other bendy bendy bendsters are doing.

But that isn't what made me really think tonight. Similar to something my brother often talks about, the concept of 'mindfulness', the person leading the class asked us to take note of the energy that had been released in us after some of the poses.

It might sound strange, but you could actually notice a change. He said you should develop a 'witness attitude'.

I really liked that concept. If I think back, I can think of times I was really happy and people who made me smile. I can think of occasions when I felt like I was really being challenged, and felt like I was rising to the challenge. Sometimes though, when you are in the moment, it is easy to not experience it. To be aware of it.

I read somewhere someone saying that if you are not uncomfortable in a task or at work, you are not adding value. You are not learning.

I like the idea of being able to simply take note every now and then of where you are, what is happening, and what you are learning. Whether pleasant or uncomfortable.

To develop a witness mentality.

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