Wednesday, February 03, 2010

getting better

We all have a set of core beliefs or intuitions that help us muddle our way through. Some we have been taught by our parents, some by our friends, and some in response to the people we don't like very much. We make so many decisions, or choose not to make so many decisions (which in itself is a decision). Most of the time we don't really have the foggiest clue about things, but admitting ignorance or that we haven't really thought through something is really really tough.

Dan Ariely talks in this clip about the importance of testing our intuitions, even when it is tough. Unless we do that, we are not going to get better.

Personally, our default is what we were taught when we were young. Culturally, it is what has evolved over centuries of people in one area learning to live together. But unless people actually start to sit back and really think about the truth of our intuitions, we don't move forward.

I think we are moving forward.

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