Saturday, March 27, 2010

Excerpts from Moby Dick

I haven't had a 'Yay Internet!' post in a while, so please indulge me.

But it did strike me as awesome when I saw the link to this video of Orson Welles reading excerpts from Moby Dick.

People seem scared of the music and book industries being destroyed, and that that threatens the existence of songs or stories. I am not convinced. Ever since someone could bang a stick on a rock or tell a juicy tale people have had the urge to create. Industries served a great purpose in getting the content out to people, creating brands and distributing. But now the musicians and authors can take that in their own hands.

Armed with a computer, you can create your own website as a musician or a video clip of you reading your work like below if you are an author, and with all the social networks around now find a group of people who are passionate about your work.

No need to convince a publishing house that you are an author.
No need to find a recording studio prepared to record your music.

People are free to create, and ideas are free to spread.

Exciting times.

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