Saturday, February 23, 2013

Add Friction to Taste

Daniel Goleman brings up another issue with email that we are all very aware of. It is very difficult to get exactly the right words to express an idea, whether it is factual or more dangerously, emotional. In person, or in conversation - there are lots of cues to adjust and develop ideas. Emails (when sent to just one person) are like letters - but often without the thought.

Seth Godin is a champion of adding back friction. Emails are too easy to send and you can send them anonymously. With letters, particularly hand-written, you were forced to take your time. You were forced to put a stamp on them. You were forced to take the letter to the post office, and you knew that it would take some time before you got a response so you wouldn't have an opportunity to change your mind and try clarify your thoughts. So you consider words carefully.

You might consider it ironic that someone who posts a blog of thoughts on his mind and is active in social media would lament the lack of friction in some forms of communication. The point is that I am a fan of opening up as many channels of communication as possible, but allowing them to evolve and recognising their weaknesses.

Email needs reinvention.

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