Sunday, December 01, 2013

The Silent Miracle

The $10 Trillion Prize is a book about the burgeoning markets in China and India.

Far from the Financial Crisis being the death of Capitalism, it is fascinating watching how the developed world is recovering and getting on with it (while trying to sort out structural problems) while an incredible miracle is going on in China and India. One sound bite - In the next 10 years it is expected that 135 million Chinese and Indians will graduate from college, compared to just 30 million in the United States.

Over the long run, I believe things get better. Call it survival of the fittest, call it the better angels of our nature, call it God, call it what you like... I think the world is biased towards improvement. Maybe it is the noise that creates the fight in us to improve. Perhaps if things just got a little better every day, we would just sit back and do nothing. Perhaps good days and bad days make us fight a little harder.

Whatever it is, looking at what is happening in China, India, Africa and everywhere else in the world fills me with optimism. Despite the awful atrocities, natural disasters, extreme poverty, violent tyrants and squabbling democrats - there are people who just get on with it.

There are more people who just get on with it than those who moan and add no value. The moaners are just louder. The doers are the silent miracle.

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