Sindile shared an interesting blogpost to which Christie replied. I asked if I could share her comment...
I have read 'A day in the life of a Camp's Bay maid' before - a few years ago perhaps?
I have read 'A day in the life of a Camp's Bay maid' before - a few years ago perhaps?
Obviously it's easy to get angry with the "madam" of the story but I think it's an opportunity to consider the people that we employ to work in our homes and to look after our children - and ask how we dehumanise - not only with finances - but also through working conditions
There is much to be said about paying a living wage (R6,000- R8,000/ month for full depending on where you look for info) but also some other things to consider:
- Having a contract which stipulates hours of work, tasks involved, leave, sick leave, etc (there are templates on DoL sites)
- Sit down and discuss the terms with your employee. Ask yourself if the terms are fair. E.g. Paid leave for 22 days, 13th cheque
- Provide safety equipment (remember you are an employer) e.g. Gloves, clothes in which the person can clean (this is also a whole separate discussion - a uniform that is comfortable may differ from person to person)
- If you can't afford a living wage for full time employment, consider reducing hours of service - this can free the employee to find other work on their free days or hours i.e. Reduced hours for the same pay = higher rate/hour
- Have open discussions and find out about their family and needs - who lives at home with them, who looks after their children etc and try to find ways to support and empower
Christie and I also had a chat about 'Surviving' being a parent
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