Monday, September 03, 2018

Dancing with Algorithms

We spend a lot of time trying to earn our place in the room. The idea of meritocracy is that inequality is acceptable because some people are fundamentally better than other people. Respect, status, and how people view us are such important drivers, people would often do worse in absolute terms, as long as they are doing better than those that surround them. One of my glass half full hopes for Artificial Intelligence is that AI plus *anyone* will be smarter and more effective in traditional 'meritocratic' ways than *anyone* by themselves. Imagine everyone had a very personalised AI coach/assistant with the primary goal to empower them, without disempowering anybody else. That is in equal parts very scary, and very exciting. The whole way we look at the world in terms of what drives us would be challenged. It would no longer be about being better than anybody else as better would lose its meaning. AI would provide the Algorithms. The steps we need to take. We would do the dancing, add the emotion, and create the meaning.

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