Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Siddhi are seemingly magical abilities attained through Sadhana. Sadhana translates as "a means of accomplishing something". In Yoga, it is used to describe Spiritual Exercise. Basically, your practice. Happiness in the form of Satchidananda (truth, knowledge, bliss) as a verb rather than a state. Something you do. Flow is a term in Positive Psychology used to describe when we are fully engaged in something. Not too anxious. Not too bored. A slight stretch of our skills by the challenges we face. I believe Siddhis are the long-term reward for daily practice. For regular Flow. Flow that turns into magic. Our sub-conscious abilities can be magical. To the point we amaze ourselves as we do things we can only do by "letting go". To let go, you sometimes need to start by choosing constraints. Committing to a practice that doesn't come naturally. Then actually do happiness. Every day. Do it. Till it soaks deep.

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