Saturday, January 19, 2019

Empowering Consent

The first goal is to stop the bleeding. To get to the point where the Outs are less than the Ins. To live within your means. Then you build a Buffer. A gap between the Ins and Outs. The cost of living isn't smooth. We get caught off guard by unexpected expenses that aren't part of the plan. You can plan for the expected unexpected. That is a Buffer. Some Capital that builds resilience. 

These are short term measures.

For true Freedom, you need to build a base. A foundation that is independent of you as a productive asset. For most of us, our labour keeps us alive if we are lucky enough to have a job. A Base would be sufficient Capital that survival isn't the objective. A simple roof over your head. Warmth and security to allow a sense of calm to soak deep. Food and water to keep you sustained. A Base isn't the dream house. It is the foundation. A base gives you sufficient freedom to say No. Empowerment in the form of Consent. If you do something, it is because you want to, rather than because you have to. Yes carries very little information if No was not an option.

When you are living within your means, and you have a Buffer for the bumps, and a Base to give you confidence... you are in a position to build an Engine. An Engine is a Muse. A Patron. A Breadwinner. An Engine is the pragmatist that accepts the way the world works so that you don't have to. An Engine can take the abuses of failure because it doesn't have an identity to defend. An Engine can do multiple jobs so that you can focus on the things that really matter. An Engine is bigger than a Base, and works for money so that you can work for whatever you want.

A Community Wealth Fund would be a big Engine that can provide a Base to a number of people. When security and confidence go viral, trust becomes the community superpower. The Endurance to sustain a thriving community, the Resilience not to get knocked off track, and the Creativity to create the kind of world we want to live in. Every day.

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