Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Monday Feeling

I am highly suspicious of transformational events. Let's see. Books like "The Happiness Hypothesis", "Blink", and "Thinking Fast and Slow" talk about our intuitive and conscious decision making and behaviours. We tend to identify with the Narrator in our heads. The voice that is a combination of lawyer, a PR officer, and a grumpy old man. Our interaction with the world is significantly more deep soaked than that. We carry with us people and events from the past. Friends of mine with kids talk of remembering childhood engagement with their parents while playing with their own kids. Situations they haven't experience for decades are now repeated from a different perspective. Words and phrases are gradually layered with meaning as they connect us to the world. Then covered up. Then popped up. Much of our behavior becomes automatic. So when anything "changes", I am keen to wait till Monday to see. Then next Monday. Then Monday a year from now.  Meaningful change is seldom fast.

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