Monday, September 09, 2019

Informed Consent

Nothing kills an activist like work deadlines, a mortgage, and school fees. Markets work best when there is full transparency, understanding, and the intent to build a relationship. Most importantly, markets work best when there is informed consent and no regret. When sellers are not manipulative, and buyers are fully aware of the trade-offs they are making. The number one rule of wealth creation is “Never be a forced buyer or seller”. The word No is the foundation of freedom, even if we are defined by what we say Yes to. As our responsibilities grow, our fixed expenses ratchet up (because of a world where success is defined by more). Each Yes and No becomes embodied rather than a conscious choice. Ironically, it becomes harder to get a gap between income and expenses with each increase (if you expand to fill the space). We can often learn significantly more about controlling our expenses by looking at those with less than us. Those who peddle Abundance may miss the wealth creation skills of those who defeat Scarcity every day.

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