Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Three Pots

My money works for me. If I spend less than it earns, on average and in the long-term, then I don’t need to work for money. This means I can dedicate my time and energy to things that are hard/undesirable to make money out of. Like reading, writing, listening, learning, and relationship and community building. My Engine is invested in three main pots, and I have a Cash Buffer. Two pots are Global Equity Funds from the last two companies I worked at. The third is a portfolio of about 20 Global Companies I selected myself. I top up the Cash Buffer when it gets low, and that is where I “draw a salary” from. If I start worrying about the sustainability of this plan, then I need to think of ways to top it up. I need to work for money if I am regularly spending more than my money makes. If the outs swallow the ins. If I can live relatively simply, then I can focus on my dream of building a Community Wealth Fund that pays 150 Universal Basic Incomes.

Claude Monet

1 comment:

Mandisa said...

I pay for my car, rent, student loans there isn't much left afterwards. Isn't it crazy that I'm the one that can't pursue beautiful things like writing?