Tuesday, October 08, 2019


Hans Rosling divided the world up into 4 income levels which he argued were more useful than the traditional Developed-Developing perspective. I am interested in the transitions. How does someone get from Level 1 to Level 2 ($2), 2 to 3 ($8), and 3 to 4 ($32). A challenge we face is that the first step of building a business is finding a community (with money) with a problem you know how to solve. Money attracts problem-solving through supply and demand. 1 Billion of us consume more than $32 a day, and the majority of money will be directed at solving our problems. Putting cash in the hands of the Billion people who consume less than $2/day will suddenly make solving that set of problems a bigger priority. The best decision-maker of what problems need solving would be the person with the problem. The best provider of a solution is likely someone who has recently had the same problem. Not someone projecting their Level 4 “competence” onto a world they know little about.

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