Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Trust and Community

All businesses solve problems in containers. Money changes hands when an empowered decision maker recognises the problem someone is offering to solve, as one they have. When that problem is “the problem” that decision maker wants solved now. The challenge is understanding, articulating, and having the competence, skills, and knowledge to offer solutions. *Only then* building the trust is more difficult. It is a chicken and egg dilemma. Shared problems within the context of established relationships are easy. There is trust that has deep soaked as an underlying platform for everything else that happens. Community is that platform. Community allows us to genuinely understand each other’s problems. To have a vested interest in the solution. Skin in the game. To really believe that the solution isn’t simply that money swaps hands. To really believe that there is fundamental value creation going on. Nothing happens without trust. Build trust first.

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