Monday, March 02, 2020

More than Enough

Intrinsic Value is the idea that something has an internal worth separate from the price. Price is a communication tool. A crude number that triggers exchange where for one person the value is more (buyer), and for one person the value is less (seller). Value doesn’t need to be quantified unless it needs to be communicated. To be reduced to a number. To be managed. I like the idea of Democratic Goods. A high price is a better indication of scarcity than value. Like a pressure cooker, not enough to go around pushes the price up. If there is more than enough for everyone, the price is likely to be lower. Value sits separately, and doesn’t care about things like success, respect, hierarchy and peacocks. A good rule of thumb for not paying a scarcity premium is asking whether everyone has access to this thing? Can everyone afford it? Buy Democratic Goods. Sell Conspicuous Consumption.

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