Friday, March 13, 2020

Natural Stock Keeping

Investing is unavoidably philosophical. It is challenging to build up evidence when there is so much noise. A choice between too short for the noise to wash out, and so long that the evidence is stale. A single decision, whether right or wrong, large or small, is almost irrelevant in the very long run. It is the process that matters. “Time in the market, rather than timing the market”. An individual career (15-40 years) barely lets proper compounding kick in. Real wealth is created across generations, within communities, through institution building. My philosophy has shifted towards that of my father-in-law’s approach to Natural Bee Keeping, and a friend working on re-Wilding in farming. Focusing on Endurance and Resilience. Letting the Bees, Nature and Businesses do the work. A single decision that ends things does matter, so the focus needs to be on Custodianship. Keep breathing. Keep moving. Keep creating. Sustainable Growth is the pumping heart that keeps the cycle of creation and reinvestment going.

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