Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What Reality Counts

Not everything that counts can be counted. Investment is not a game you play where Risk and Return are knowable and the only two items on the scoreboard. What you do genuinely matters. Fundamentally. It’s not a game. My biggest quibble with wealth creation is the illusion of control and associated arrogance that can arise in people who have “done well”. Like the TV series Westworld where the penny drops about “what are we actually doing here?”, it is easy for us to get fooled by randomness. To see patterns we want to see. To get lost in our own illusions. At times of major crisis, you need to look beyond the numbers. What really matters? What is a distraction? What is the core that will allow you to rebuild? What are you building and why? Throw away the stop watch. The time sheets. The productivity measures. Time and opportunity cost lose their power. Repurpose to meet the challenge.

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