Monday, April 27, 2020

Build through Empowerment

Wealth Compounds. It builds on what came before. On what has soaked deep. It builds on what we pay attention to, and what we see as relevant. It builds on the meaning we create. Not in a straight line, and within complex systems. It builds through cycles of sleep, death, unlearning, feedback, reflection and hibernation. It builds through memory and perception. It builds through context and comparison. Looking at things that are the same, but not. Looking at what we can understand, and what we can’t. It builds by understanding constraints, and the constraints on our understanding. It builds through bridges and communication. Through buffers and firebreaks. Through places to connect. Places to withdraw. To breathe. In stillness. In gaps. Wealth builds to accommodate the ambiguous and the random. To adjust. To accommodate. To create. Everything is connected. Wealth builds as we see and release the power of those connections. Wealth builds through empowerment.

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