Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Part Owner

If you love chocolate, and eat too much, it is easier to not have chocolate in the house. The danger as an investor in the Stock Market is that you can always sell. The price is a quote of what someone will pay you if you do. It’s the chocolate. It is not what the ownership is worth. As a Fundamental Investor, you are a Part Owner. Viewing yourself as an owner, who believes in the product, believes in the management, and believes in the business, changes the way you think about the dips in price. Unless something fundamental has changed, ownership gives you a vested interest in the venture and stakeholders surviving and thriving. Even if something has changed, if a genuine problem is being solved and the business has the capacity to continue solving it, you remain an owner in something of value. It makes bumps and dips part of the texture of life. Perhaps the biggest part of being an investor is self-awareness. Self-analysis. Self-correction. Even though your behaviour and the business are separate. If you have a fundamental belief in what it is you are building, it is easier to see through immediate noise. To keep your head even when instant gratification is always available.

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