Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Elite Team

If you want to be part of an Elite Team, you first have to accept the idea that there are people that aren’t good enough. You have to accept the possibility that you aren’t good enough. That there is someone who deserves your spot more than you. If you push the idea of Meritocracy to its extreme, and believe in surrounding yourself with the best, you need to be consistent. You need to listen to that voice in your head that asks if you are good enough. The impostor syndrome that makes you feel inadequate. That means you have never reached the goal. Elite Teams aren’t about the individuals. They are about the Team. They require sharp knives. Personally, I don’t want to be part of an Elite Team. I don’t care if you think I am enough. I don’t find the question of whether you are enough interesting. What interests me is your incentives. Your passions. The way you create meaning. What interests me is the way you connect to others. What you do every day. That is enough.

Are you the best?

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