Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Big Waves

It is almost impossible to build Capital if the noise of life and money, is bigger than your earning capacity. Starting from zero is the hardest part. Pooling big risks is how we historically managed this. Groups of risk takers joining together and splitting the costs in “Mutual Societies”. Accepting a smaller loss for certain instead of a big loss that wipes you out. The biggest component of wealth creation is time. To have time, you need to be able to withstand the things you can’t control. My rule of thumb is to self-insure for things that won’t wipe me out. For the rest, get cover if you can. The three basic “big waves” are Death, Disability, and Severe-Illness. If you have dependents, then Life Insurance is necessary to stop your death meaning severe hardship for your loved ones. This is the history of “Scottish Widows”. Severe Illness insurance does the same, but you are still alive and may still work again. Disability cover is for when an accident prevents you from earning. Insurance allows the fire to start.

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