Friday, September 18, 2020

Wary of Force

A lot of people work best under pressure. When they have to. When they are in a corner. I am the opposite. I don’t like myself in a corner under time pressure when I become very task orientated. When the goal is victory at all costs. There are two cornerstone biblical stories I don’t identify with at all. The first is the binding and sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham because “God wills it”. The ultimate loss of perspective and parking of a moral compass. When obedience trumps consequences. Pure play child abuse. The second is the story of Job. Where God and Satan have a bet of whether Satan can turn Job against God by making his life awful. The ultimate abuse of the gift of unconditional love. I avoid corners. I would rather internalise the discipline required and chip away every day than be forced into situations without time and space. The day before an exam, I want to be off to the movies to clear my head. If a client suddenly changes their requirements the evening before a meeting, I would rather be fresh than pull an all-nighter. Presence requires time and space. Be wary of forced actions and decisions.

"The Sacrifice of Isaac" Caravaggio

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