Monday, October 26, 2020

Rules of the Game

Money is made by being able to clearly identify, articulate, and solve problems for decision makers with money. Solving problems requires skills and knowledge, and that is what we traditionally think of as meritocracy. That is not the whole story. Two key factors besides problem solving, are capital and containers. Capital is fungible. It can be allocated (by a decision maker) to any problem, and is not defined by skills and knowledge. Instead, it acts as a buffer and an engine. A buffer to reduce noise and increase the timeframe for planning (ends hand-to-mouth survival decision making). An engine to fund good ideas that are not good business ideas, and to generate more capital. A container is how you get paid. Once the ideas stop bouncing around, how does money move into your account? When? How much? A container is the reason you solve the problem, and not someone else. A container is the rules of the game. The world as it is now. The barriers to entry. The barriers to exit. Making money is not just about ideas, or skills and knowledge. Problems get solved with capital in containers.

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