Tuesday, February 16, 2021

I See You

Fundamental Investing is the “Sawubona” of investment philosophies. “I see you” is the aim. What you see is not all there is. A business is not just about an idea. It is about what gets done over a significant helping of time. Meritocracy is caveated by the ideas of competitive advantage and barriers to entry. Any idea, whatever its quality, requires Capital to protect it from the waves of chaos, and to feed its growth. Any idea, whatever its quality, exists in an ecosystem of stakeholders (regulators, suppliers, customers, competitors, employees, investors) that force its existence into constant existential evaluation. Resources are limited. We don’t get to do everything. There are tradeoffs. Fundamental Investing is about seeing the potential through the noise of the conspicuous. It is about looking at support structures. It is about doing due diligence on how something exists, not just that it exists.


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