Thursday, September 01, 2022

Get the Game

Stilling anxiety and making decisions we are comfortable with can revolve around building agreements. Managing expectations through commitments to each other that are understood. An ability to build driven by confidence in intended consequences, and capacity to absorb and adjust to unintended consequences. A calm and inspired sense of general direction. 

If you feel like you “get the game” so you can apply yourself and get rewarded, and have a transparent understanding of the cost of breaking agreements. A world where there is consensual agreement making. Yes means yes, and no means no. 

People feel like they are honest with each other and themselves about what their needs are. Where people find other people who willingly and enthusiastically want to be part of each other’s lives. Where no one is forced to act against their will. 

The challenge is tolerance. We don’t live in isolation. Independent decision-making is very attractive. In your world, what do you think you should do? That results in multiple, very detached realities, that sit separately from the shared world and aren’t a part of it. That has consequences. 

A difference between an investor who makes independent decisions and an operational decision-maker, is operations have momentum and they have mojo (the morale of people). Changing an investment decision affects no one. Changing an operational decision has consequences, and you can never get momentum and start compounding if you are constantly changing your mind.

Do you get the game?

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