Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Conversation

My big take-away/practice from my experience of Yoga is managing expectations. Personally, I wrestle with triage and trade-offs. There is so much going on, and every choice has unintended consequences. I work on developing an ability to accept being “a part of the conversation” and create meaning/purpose as a part of something bigger where I am not constantly judging myself/others. 

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi called this flow. Those moments when you are balancing skill & challenge so finely that it focuses your attention and time seems to stand still. There is no anxiety where the task seems beyond you. There is no boredom where the task doesn’t engage you. 

Where learning and activity merge in a playful way and mistakes don’t chip at your sense of self, but build your wisdom. Where you are a participant and connected to everything else. There is no time for panic or worry because you are breathing into the stuff that matters.

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