Monday, June 30, 2008

End of a chapter

I finished working at Old Mutual today, and head off to Bermuda to start a new job in just under 2 weeks. Bermuda is temporary and I will be London based.

We are so much more restless than what I imagine the world of the past to be. This has a number of knock on effects. We settle later if at all. Relationships develop later, or rather settled ones since we only get to that place later. We suffer more heartache, and are faced with more tough decisions. This is also because women are empowered and ambitious in the same way as men are, and finding two people with similar ambitions or willingness to compromise is no easy task.

This sometimes makes me bitter, but also seems like progress. There are so many more opportunities. The world is such an exciting place, and there are far fewer boundaries. National borders seem obsolete. Prejudice and division seems like it should be obsolete, and as we mature hopefully will be. Information is close to free. It is easier to communicate ideas, and progress is exponential.

Regular reader stuart will probably shoot me down, but it does sometimes make you long for the simple world where you settle down early and just get on with the job of loving those closest to you. A job digging holes, where you wake up in the morning... dig 2 holes and you had a bad day, dig 3 and it was okay, dig 4 or more and you feel like a champion.

I don't really long for that world. The one we live in is far more exciting, with a much better chance of finding someone really great, and things to do that make you passionate.

But, it is a bumpy ride.

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