Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fragments of a Picture

Guys (delving into generalisations) often get accused of not being honest.

I have spent many many hours thinking what that means. Is honesty telling someone every thought that pops into your head? I don't think so, since I definitely disagree quite strongly with what goes on in my head sometimes.

Then you realise how everyone you meet seems to view you in a different way. Even people who you have spent a lot of time with don't all see you in the same way. The next bit is that I am not convinced we even know the full truth.

One possible way of describing it is that who we are and what we think is more like a picture than a mathematical problem. I could be thinking of a jet black thoroughbred stallion. You say, what are you thinking? I say, well... it is black, has a long nose and flaring nostrils, four legs. The back ones are bigger than the front ones. A person can ride it and it is strong.

You think, hmmm... he is thinking of a Black Donkey.

A stubborn, noisy, black donkey. Not a sleek, powerful, beautiful thoroughbred stallion.

Problem is, I might not even see the whole picture myself. I might only be looking at the leg, and over time get to see more and more of the full picture.

I think the reason people in general are guarded with their feelings, and `honest' thoughts is that is impossible to express them in any other way than over an extended period of time. Normally, we are concerned that people are going to pass judgement before they have seen the whole picture.

I think the truth is a picture.

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