Friday, November 14, 2008

A Bowl of Smarties

In his post entitled `I’m proud to be a libertarian, pescetarian, atheist, transhumanist, compatibilist, neo-darwinian and one day I hope to join the Bayesian Conspiracy ', Stuart shoots down my discomfort with boxes. He is also correct in saying that there is a box for people who don't want to fit into a box.

All true. But, I think the important thing is to not go along the route of some political parties that allow differing opinions... but then once the party makes up it's mind everyone votes according to the majority opinion. That makes a mockery of democracy.

A party holding 70% of the parliament has a vote.
60% say yes. 40% say no. Party says yes.
The 30% not in the party say no.
So 28% (=40% X 70%) + 30% = 58% of the countries elected reps say no.
But the vote goes through... with 70% `saying Yes'.
There is something wrong about that. So yes, there are many boxes I am in.

I am a male. But don't necessarily support the majority male opinion.
I am a capitalist. But that doesn't mean I don't want the poor to do well.
I lean towards the Democratic Party in the US. But Protectionism sickens me.
I am an Atheist. But I have a strong moral core (in my humble opinion).

Labels should be taken with a pinch of salt. Or at the very least not judged in isolation. And the problem is... it is very difficult, near impossible to know all the boxes someone is in.

Boxes imply you are only in one... there must be a better metaphor. I am a bowl full of smarties. In the US elections, there would have been more Blue smarties than red smarties, but that doesn't mean I think Obama is the messiah.


Anonymous said...

"I am a capitalist. But that doesn't mean I don't want the poor to do well....

I am an Atheist. But I have a strong moral core"


mutt said...

I think you're pushing the box metaphor too far.

how bout tags, you can attach as many as you like to your person.

Trevor Black said...

Tags doesn't solve the problem. If you could break boxes down into their component tags... that would solve the problem.

So... to be a democrat and be in the democrat box means you have tag A,B and C. To be a Republican means you have tag 1,2 and 3.

So, then I have tag A,B and 3.

Basically, I have no problem with agreeing or disagreeing with ideas... but boxes tend to group ideas.

I am happy to be in a number of small boxes with single ideas.

So long as I am allowed to change boxes.

Anonymous said...

Nope. I wont allow it.

Once again, it all comes down to violence...

runonthespot said...

How about sets rather than boxes-- think venn diagrams. Okay, so I'm on a database trip at the moment, but it all makes sense!

Also it changes over time
I picture myself as millions of overlapping circles that move in and out of the centre that is "me" :) Picture a windows screensaver type thing.