Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No Sugar

My office canteen serves a great meal, and each day there is a choice between a meat option and a vegetarian option.

Like cutting down on drinking coke (thanks to the sister-in-law), I am trying to cut down on the amount of meat I eat (thanks to my arch-enemy/sole blogging commenter).

So today I looked longingly at the Lamb Tikka Masala, I cried a little inside as I heard the words... `ratatouille please'... escape from my mouth. It's not that I don't like vegetables, because I do. It is just so hard when I know how much I like meat.

Then I get home to my brothers place, and ask him if he wants a cup of tea. Yes please... no sugar!

My other oldest brother drinks diet coke. My middle brother has no sugar in his tea. And I am trying to drink water instead of other drinks, and choose vegetables over meat more often.

What is the world coming to! Yup... the long term benefits will be there. But the little boy in me is sulking a little.

Haidt talks about reading Peter Singer's `Animal Ethics' and being intellectually convinced that he should become a vegetarian. But he didn't, instead he just felt a little guilty every time he ordered a hamburger. Then he saw a video of a slaughter house that disgusted him into not eating meat... briefly. As the memory of the video faded, so did the lure of meat become more convincing.

Hmmm, there are so many things where the long term goals of one approach far outweigh the short term benefits of the easy option...

But... we live in the short term.

And it is easy.

But... baby steps. I did eat the ratatouille... and not the curry, so that is a small victory. hmmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've blogged about Haidt's reaction to Peter Singer. I forgot to mention that I think it's irritating that he spends so much time talking about training the elephant but isn't interested at all in training his elephant not to eat meat.

in fact he's often quite dismissive of liberals' attempts to alter their behaviour in a direction that differs from conservatives even though he points out that they have the same gut reactions often. if that isn't attempted elephant training I don't know what is.