Friday, December 12, 2008

It's still spreading

Stu replied to `It's spreading...
living where you want is in tension with spending time with people you love
This is something I have had to fight with. My old dream was to live in Cape Town with my family surrounding me. This became an impossibility, and slowly I realized that it was also incompatible with the type of people in general I would like to mix with (i.e. there are MORE like minded people if you don't limit yourself to one city). What I also realised through blogging was that one of my closest friendships was with someone you didn't even live in the same city, then country as me. Technology has released us from that burden. Travel has also become easier so you get some face time. Nothing provides a substitute for being able to see someone every week, but realistically that doesn't happen. Even close friends who live in the same city get seen FAR less often than colleagues, and seeing friends and family on holidays is far more rewarding. PLUS, people underestimate how important sharing ideas is to friendships. We recognize the value of physical proximity but some how seem to discount mental proximity. Why, (and I recognize my resemblance to a mosquito/stuck gramophone) doesn't everyone have a blog?

Fen says...
Unless you're in "The beach" which leads me to ask - do we really know what we want?
My answer is probably not, but no one is more qualified... and we have no one else to blame. If you are unhappy... do something about it. Now more than ever, if you sit back and say...`Ja, but you know... I was born in X, I spend my day doing Y, and I hang around with Z'... you have no one else to blame but yourself! Do something about it!

Exciting Times.

1 comment:

runonthespot said...

Yup. Definitely an inner motivational speaker fighting it's way out there Mr B.